Practice the right things

Learn what you should (and shouldn't) be practicing to reach your goals.

Highly Personalized Lessons

Lessons that focus on getting you to be the musician that you want to be.

The responsibility of artists is not just to create. It is to encourage people to tap into their creativity. Music is a pursuit that can provide a way for us to grow in many ways. Confidence, discipline, problem solving, listening skills, social interaction; these and many other facets of our lives can be improved by the study of music.

Teaching music is an important part of my life. Are you a beginner with a curiosity about music? A seasoned pro looking to enhance your vocabulary or creativity? Click below to take your playing to the next level.

In-studio or in-home

In-studio lessons are held in my fully equipped, comfortable home studio conveniently located about 1/2 mile from downtown Boone, NC.

In-home lessons are a great option for those people who prefer instruction in their own home. Not only is this option convenient but it also allows us to create an optimized practice space for the student.

Contact me if you would like to discuss lessons or make an appointment.



Do you want top notch instruction but can’t find a good teacher in your area? I have successfully taught students all over the world using Skype, Facetime, Zoom, Google Hangout, etc…Technology has made it possible for us to collaborate anywhere in the world. Setup is easy and requires only a computer with a webcam. This is a convenient way to receive premium instruction without having to leave your home.

Contact me if you would like to discuss lessons or make an appointment.


"Studying guitar with Dustin was the most important thing I did before the age of 21, learning to read and attending college included. The love of music Dustin instilled in me forms the basis of many of my friendships and is a large part of who I am, even a decade later. He was a positive influence on my life and I cannot recommend studying with him strongly enough."--Taylor T

“Dustin has been a true blessing in my late blooming life as a musician. I am a busy mother who had never played a stringed instrument before, but with a desire to play the bass guitar. Dustin has been a perfect fit for me as a teacher.  He is patient, enthusiastic, encouraging and incredibly talented as well.”--Cheryl H

"I learned more in the first year of taking lessons from Dustin than I did in the 15 years prior trying to teach myself with books, video's etc. It's been over four years ago now that I started with him and I continue to make more progress than I ever dreamed possible."  --Mark N

“Dustin is very patient,yet pushes you along in each lesson. He is not stuck to a certain way of learning, but adjusts to your style.  For me, it is like a new beginning in my life, amazing that I am doing this at 42 instead at 12!!”  --Jeevan R

“As a fellow musician that also used to teach, I can say with confidence that Dustin Hofsess is one of the best teachers I have been around.  His patient approach is reassuring and comfortable. Learning is facilitated in a relaxed and fun environment that breeds progress and enjoyment.  My ability has grown exponentially as I have continued and have no plans to stop anytime soon.  Most importantly, he's a cool guy and one of the best players you'll find.  Rock on Dustin!”--Doug D

"Dustin has the patience of Job.  He meets students where they are in their playing ability and moves them along at the right pace.  He is always encouraging and shows enthusiasm for watching his students learn.!"--Mike L

"After years of having many guitar teachers, I have learned that great guitar players are not always the greatest guitar educators.  Dustin Hofsess is that rare find that combines the best in guitar playing with the best in guitar.  I have been studying guitar with Dustin for over 6 years now.  He has a unique ability to take complicated guitar concepts and explain them in ways that make complete sense to even a beginner.  Most importantly, for me, his playing and teaching have given me continued inspiration in wanting to learn more and more.."--Robert S

"I believe that Dustin Hofsess is one of the most gifted teachers of any kind that I've ever been lucky enough to meet.  He is supportive and always behind the student's desire to learn.  He is intuitive and seems to be able to come up with just the right idea or word of encouragement to help you go beyond where you thought you could go."  --Rob W

"A teacher and a friend that listens to your spirit and talents to grow and expand the you in you.  Thank you Dustin for the expertise and spirit you helped instill in me.”-Pat D

"Dustin helped me find the direction I wanted to go with my playing and chart a course to get there.  I have transcended several thresholds as a direct benefit of his guidance.  I would recommend him highly to anybody that seriously wants not only learn the instrument, but how to enjoy the rewards of their efforts."--Rich S

"I was convinced that no matter how much I desired playing the guitar that I simply would never have the patience or skill to learn.  I had taken lessons with four different instructors in 4 different states and just could not catch on.  A colleague suggested I contact Dustin since his son was becoming a talented guitarist under Dustin's instruction. Once I started lessons I quickly begin realizing that things were making sense and that I was actually playing music for the first time (recognizable sounds too:-) ). Dustin is extremely talented and makes what seems like an impossibility a reality!"--Laura O

"I can't think of a guitar professional with a deeper understanding of his instrument.  Dustin also has a malleable style of teaching in which he provides instruction to fit the level and needs of the student. "--David L

"Dustin is a wonderful teacher! He clearly loves what he does, both playing the guitar and teaching. He has helped me break through some barriers that had gotten in the way of picking up my guitar. It no longer sits lonely in the corner of my house."--Michael K

"I worked with Dustin for more than five years as a student; first learning other people’s music, and then working on my own songs.  I always came away from my lessons inspired and ready to continue playing and learning. A few years ago, he also taught my son.  I was amazed at how quickly my son picked it up with Dustin as his teacher, and mentor as well.  I can sum up Dustin’s teaching style in a few words:  intuitive, patient, focused, easy going,  extremely talented at what he does and always interested in the student and their goals.  I would  highly recommend Dustin Hofsess to any level of guitar student.” --Casey C

“I started playing guitar, teaching myself, playing from tabs, but when I found Dustin my learning just exploded. What amazes me is how quickly he can adapt and teach any style. Dustin has an amazing range and versatlity. He makes lessons fun and I always look forward to my next one. I would definitely recommend him to anybody, from complete beginner to skilled guitarists looking to expand their knowledge."--Andrew H

“I have been playing music my whole life but just a few lessons with Dustin drastically helped improve not only my playing ability but also my understanding of the guitar.  He has a great understanding of a variety of styles and every lesson teaches me something new and useful that I can apply immediately.  As a teacher he has a very laid back personality and lessons are enjoyable.  I'd suggest Dustin to anyone no matter what their style or level ability.”--Jason R